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Perfect Science Formula's / Formula Inc.

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Good Morning Anne, Jim , Anita, Dr.Sylvia Tomic PHD., JoAnne and Ms. Terry,

Once again I am updated on the events within PS teamwork; thank you. I will touch base with Anita as both you and JoAnn have mentioned she is the Prognos representative working with PS.Which I understandd is Anita in Norway and is all so working with the I-Health device . Jim Trider I understand is working with the Aqutron AD device solf ware research creatored by Full-Circle Int.

I am available to go to New Mexico for performing patient/person testing and I would need to use somebody's faster equipment (Aquatronic
or Prognos) if we are to make several meridian checks for formula identification for them. Let me of your need and any help for this.

I realize that my EVA machine is slow and not the best for show-n-tell demos. After speaking
with Jim Trider yesterday I feel that the Aquatron should be simple in learning its screen-to-keyboard steps in 15' since the point locations are straight forward and I am already
well practiced at maintaining a consistent point holding pressure from years of EVA use. Thanks again for Jim being there and sharing with

I know that I would like to lease or somehow purchase a nice modern system for this ability: maybe that can happen before NM workshop! My desire is to learn more of these Aquatron ,Prognos systems for comparing with Itronic's usefulness, in using with the Perfect Science system of Wellness and Balance etc. It seems likely that my arranging to get a system would be better after using each of them.

And I"


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