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It's All About the Planet

Welcome to Ayterion Agua - Perfect Science System, Inc.

We are the original creator of the Perfect Science System, Turkish Water Formulas

All those that we know, who followed the protocol prescribed and did not give up, have experienced the most beneficial results. What people usually prefer is to get rid of the symptoms and have pain relief. These formulas work on the cause and therefore the way one experiences them and how they work is first, certainly different than a standard remedy and second, cannot be the same for all people.

When the body is in balance it will heal itself.

The Ayterion Aqua™ Perfect Science system considers the cleansing of the human bodies, as well as the local and global environment in which we live, to be essential in the realization of the new world of free energy. Perfect Science products are for Human and Animals.

Perfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called the Ayterion Aqua ™ (which is named after some of the originators Andrew, Terry, Randall and Ayhan) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and the living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.

Water on a daily basis is the most important issue in natural healthcare in The Perfect Science System, it is important for the reader of this section to understand the complete breadth of this approach in order to gain maximum benefit. Drinking water every day sets the stage for the immune system and all other systems of the body to fight against disease and maintain the highest quality of physical, mental and emotional health. There are some researchers who point out that energetic input from living water is just as important as tangible nutrients and important natural supplements like aloe vera. Although still in theoretical research, there is information being established that for normal chemical pathways to occur in the body, the cells also need the energy input from water.

The Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System is designed for wellness and abets in the balance of most conditions of health for humans and animals. The energetic supplements from Ayterion Aqua - Perfect Science System assist in cleansing, detoxifying, energizing and balancing the body. When the body is in balance it will heal itself. Many people have benefited from drinking the Perfect Science water formulas right after waking up and right before going to sleep – which is based on many different unsolicited testimonials for doctors and the general public from around the world.

It is recommended to use the all of the Perfect Science products together, as the products will work synergistically to detoxify and protect you. The Perfect Science System is not a one-time healing modality. It takes a commitment from you to use the products on an ongoing basis to achieve the level of health that you want. We live in a polluted world, and only by an ongoing effort to cleanse and protect ourselves, can we expect to maintain a healthy, youthful, energetic glow.

All of the Ayterion Aqua Perfect Science System products, when used together, produce a synergistic process to promote wellness.

Perfect Science formulas contain naturally occurring saponins. Currently, through research science has brought forth the understanding of certain health benefits for the human body from phytochemical called a saponins. These health benefits include prevention of cancer, immunological support, effective cholesterol lowering agent, and anti-oxidant properties. There is continuing research to expand the scientific findings on the health benefits of saponins. As we derive health support from a natural plant compounds called a saponins, there is research being conducted on the ways saponins affect the health of plants. Saponins are one of the main elements or “trigger” that support some plant life in being healthy, and receiving and utilizing its nutritional needs.

It is only the modern science that recognized the Reality as the web of self-consistent interactions in multi-dimensional space-time in which time and interactions are generically non-linear. This means that the reality we live is what we have created, and that we as humans (and that is valid for all entities that exist in the universe) are the result of mutual interactions. Thusly, to change the world in which we live we have to first cleanse our physical and energy bodies, in order that we will be able to help in cleaning the Planet and all what exist on it and was created during long painful history of the human fall, and align it with the New world.

Please, keep in mind that your own experience would be the most important to spread these formulas among other people.

Terry Welch, Co-Founder and Chairwoman of Perfect Science A.D., Inc., and
creator of Ayterion Aqua - Perfect Science System Formulas

The Founders of Perfect Science (click on picture for larger view) :

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RoyalKadin Official Store: "It's All About the Planet

Welcome to Ayterion Agua - Perfect Science System, Inc.

We are the original creator of the Perfect Science System, Turkish Water Formulas

All those that we know, who followed the protocol prescribed and did not give up, have experienced the most beneficial results. What people usually prefer is to get rid of the symptoms and have pain relief. These formulas work on the cause and therefore the way one experiences them and how they work is first, certainly different than a standard remedy and second, cannot be the same for all people.

When the body is in balance it will heal itself.

The Ayterion Aqua™ Perfect Science system considers the cleansing of the human bodies, as well as the local and global environment in which we live, to be essential in the realization of the new world of free energy. Perfect Science products are for Human and Animals.

Perfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called the Ayterion Aqua ™ (which is named after some of the originators Andrew, Terry, Randall and Ayhan) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and the living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.

Water on a daily basi"


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