Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products

Perfect Science Eco-System Balance

We Know that the Planet is a Gift of a Perfect God ! A Perfect Science !
Work on a Eco-System Approach by royal Flushing our good earth . Be YE Perfect!
We were the only company accepted with an Eco - System Approach at Habitat !!
We worked and cleaned transformed poison by transforming them in real sites all
Turkey ! We are not new age we are for the planet by only with action ! Today!

We transform toxic waste into bio-nutrients !

We are a American , Saudi Arabian , Turkish company

Perfect Science,Ayterion Agua, We transform Agua ,Turkish , American Formula , Formula's Ayterion , From the Wisdom of Sophia , To the eye of Sophia , Ay=Wisdom , Ter, The Earth , Tara , = Terry our good earth, ion for ion

Ayterionuency with data and action . Action not words ! Deeds! tel-phone 1-877-890-7709 Perfect Science Royal Flush AD

Dunyamizi Koruyalm

The More we know the less we understand ,
The More we understand the less we know ,
Perfect Science AD is Ayterion

On my journey we meet Nixon , and Randall Miller and the rest is history !

A Perfect Science AD
Royal Flush AD To Royal Flush the earth after death from the toxic soup .
Our good earth now a sewer . Do you care !
We care ! Royal Flush AD

perfect,science,alternative medicine, Energy , energi medicine , natural health, Energi enhancer , Energy balancer, energy health, energy wellness , energy ayterion correctly breaker of toxic
waste , transforms poison today.

Bringing You the Ayterion Agua™ Perfect Science wellness and balance

Which empowers wellness and real wellness

Line of Bio-Health - energy enhance - energi enhancer - energy supplement -energi approach, Environmental systems - that must be used as a complete system of wellness and eco-system approach to agua science . Perfect Science Eco-System Approach To Balance . Wellnes and Justice
for the earth transform s toxic into bio-nutrients then royal flush away.

Ayterion Agua Perfect Science Water Formulas
All right Ayterion . Perfect Science AD 1987-2007

* Reduce toxicity in the body and aids in the healing process.

* Help in tissue cleansing and digestion. Transforms toxic waste which you must use spring water , mineral water, natural juices , to royal flush away . Mix with spring agua , mineral agua . Works with real Science

Royal Flush AD After death we royal flush the toxic soup from our good earth.
Dugaya ve size gercek dost

Do you understand toxic must be flush out of your system.
The same goes for the earth . You must flush wash all toxic out of our good earth.
We transform all toxic into bio-nutrients .

Agua Science is Perfect Science

Tel-phone 1-877-890-7709

* Acts as an anti-oxidant to slow the aging process and removes stress from the body helping to detoxify the skin.

* Bring balance to your body clears mind.The e-home of Breaker( TM) Clear ( TM) Alpha ( TM)
Balance ( TM) Empowerment ( TM) Empower ( TM) Holly Grail( TM)

Royal Flush for our good earth !
Transform toxic waste imto bio-nutrient

Creams that transforms using the Ayterion System .

Skin Spray that work with your voxtex and real energy

Ayterion transform the air create clean air !

* Strengthen the immune system.

The Ayterion Aqua™ Perfect Science system considers the cleansing of the human, and all living things body, as well as the local and global environment in which we live, to be essential in the realization of the new world of free energy.

Perfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called Ayterion Aqua ™ by its Creators Nancy Welch , Terry Welch , Ay for Sophia eye = Wisdom Ter = earth = Terry she for the earth = Terry ion=ion

mixed only with the best spring water ,mineral agua .

We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet, real energy system systems and living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by the Aquatron, i-health, prognose, and by real science baced on real science data .

Patients are tested for the different medicaments available. reasearch questions Mr Trider 1-941-320-0002

It is only modern science that recognized the reality as the web of self-consistent interactions in multi-dimensional space-time in which time and interactions are generically non-linear. This means that the reality we live is what we have created, and that we as humans (and that is valid for all entities that exist in the universe) are the result of mutual interactions.

To change the Planet and the world in which we live. We must change we all on the Planet today
have transform our garden of eden into the garbitch of eden !
Change your world ! Save and transform the world with work and real energy .
You must act not talk . Be in action and use our transformtion system !

We have to first cleanse our physical and energy bodies, in order to help clean the Planet and all that exist on it and all that was created during long painful history of the human fall, and then align it with the New world.

Ayterion transforms toxic material then transform them into bio-nutrient . With real Science !

The Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System is designed for wellness eco-balancer in the body all living creator and most of all our good earth.

Using many device for testing and balancing energy.

Most conditions of health for humans and animals. Transforms all toxic into Bio-Nutrient
then flush them away in to the sewer . Formula will work in the sewer and transform toxic into the sewer . Sold as system Clean sewer and your body .

Build the body and build a real system

The energetic dietary supplements from Ayterion Aqua™ - Perfect Science System assist in cleansing, detoxifying,transforms , energizing and balancing the body and more .

When the body is in balance it will transform in a perfect science . Empowering the knownledge eco-system approach with wisdom and clearing all paths.

It is recommended to use all of the Perfect Science System together, as the products will work synergistically to detoxify and protect you. The Perfect Science System is not a one-time healing modality. It takes a commitment from you to use the products on an ongoing basis to achieve the level of health that you want. We live in a polluted world, and only by an ongoing effort to cleanse and protect ourselves, can we expect to maintain a healthy, youthful, energetic glow.

All of the Ayterion Aqua Perfect Science System products, when used together, produce a synergistic process to promote wellness, awareness.WE are about The Planet !

Perfect Science formulas naturally contain some saponins. Currently, through research science, has been brought forth the understanding of certain health benefits for the human body from a phytochemical called a saponin. These health benefits include prevention of cancer, immunological support, effective cholesterol lowering, and anti-oxidant properties. There is continuing research to expand the scientific findings on the health benefits of saponins. As we derive health support from natural plant compounds called saponins, there is research being conducted on the ways saponins affect the health of plants. Saponins are one of the main elements or “triggers” that support some plant life in being healthy, and receiving and utilizing its nutritional needs.

Some of the Uses for Perfect Science Formulas:

Protect yourself against chemtrails; Perfect Science is a powerful, yet gentle detoxer.

For heavy metal toxicity - heavy metals are neurotoxins that interfere with organ function, the immune system, eyesight, brain function, etc.

As a balancer and tonic - brings balance to the body, mind and spirit.

For any challenges to the immune system. Use Clear ( TM) see web site

Tel-phone 1-877-890-7709 fax 1-815-838-2001

For skin eruptions; as a part of your beauty regime. Our system science transform all poison in the air we breath , water we drink , soil where our food is from , and more . Transform using a complete system today . telphone 1-877-890-7709 fax 1-815-838-2001 e-mail

For bathing - neutralize the effects of your polluted tap water; bring energy and life back into your body.

Use in a humidifier, water fountain or steam on the stove. Use in tea, coffee, juice. Add to sauces and stews. Clean your vegetables and fruits in water mixed with formula to remove pesticides/herbicides.

Balance and detox your pets; internal and external products are available for animals and can be used as above for them. Parvovirus, parasites, fleas will easily be removed.

Naturally balance your garden with your left over bath water - promotes incredible growth and is a natural pest deterent.

Founders of Perfect Science AD Inc., Perfect Science Inc .


( /,e-mail tel-phone 1-877-890-7709 using the Terion system Ayterion Agua Perfect Science, Mrs. Terry Welch, Mrs. Nancy Francis O'Brien Welch, Mr A. Doyuk and the Perfect Science team)

What is the cleaning effect and TRANSFORMING of the drinking AGUA FORMULA based on?

The human body consists of cells containing cell sap. Depending on circumstances, our bodies also contain different amounts of viruses and bacteria, good and bad. The harmful bacteria produce reproductive cells, which in turn create problems. So we need a substance that supports the internal balance of the cells. By drinking Super Ayhanized water, the harmful bacteria and other microbes encapsulate, their link to cells is broken and they are disengaged from the cells within seconds and withdraw from the body with lymph. After that, the natural antidotes go into effect and the blood balance is restored. THEN OUR RESEARCH DATA COLLECTED

CLEAR ( TM) DRINK 8 OZ TO 16 OZ A DAY FOLLOWED BY MINERAL AGUA , NATURAL SPRING AGUA , NATURAL JUICE . TO ROYAL FLUSH THE SYSTEM . USE Breaker during the day for energy and cleaning while Clear in transforming .

The oxygen content of blood increases by even 60 per cent and the water in the blood becomes crystal clear. In addition, the fat accumulated in blood vessels and other channels changes into harmless oil, which means that the cholesterol level is diminished. The oil, in turn, changes into nutrients and protein, which immediately produces more energy. Briefly, Ayhanized water cleans all blood vessels in the body.

There are several cases in which people who have lost their senses of sight, hearing or smell for example, have regained the lost senses after the blocked channels have been reopened. We all have blockages, but the water removes them.

In arthritis too, certain channels have been blocked preventing blood from circulating freely in those areas. Ionized water helps in these cases too, and restores the free circulation so that the defense mechanisms of the body start working again restoring the healthy state of the body. In diabetes,Ayterion Perfect Science Super-Ayhanized water removes the blockages that prevent the normal action of the pancreas. Use Clear ( TM) for blood and metals . Also use Breaker
( TM) you may also use Empowerment ,Mothers Agua , Mother Water, Planet Water, Life Essance ,
Completion Agua , Balance , follow the suggestion amounts and direction .

I've seen many such cases. Kidney stones are dissolved without pain and leave the body. The process starts in approximately two weeks' time after the patient has started to drink Ayhanized water. Excellent results have been reached with cancer cases as well.

Skin creams made with Ayterion Agua penetrate through different skin layers. If, for example, you have scars from operations, the effective ingredients of the ointment penetrate deep, all the way to the marrow. Normally the ointments stay on the surface of the skin, but "water" cures, for example, inflammations deeper, layer by layer, without wound inflammations. The production of new cells is intensified reducing scar tissue and preventing new scars from being formed.

What about AIDS?

There are all kinds of medicines and many kinds of diseases we know. For me the diseases are not different, they are all the same thing. When you clean your blood you have no diseases. And this applies to everything.

Is Ayterion Agua formula effective in treating the heavy metals in the body?

Heavy metals are dangerous. If they can be found in the bodily areas where the organism is in the state of disease they can cause a lot of additional problems. I'm not saying that we shouldn't get rid of them, but there are heavy metals everywhere. However, they have no effect on us if we are healthy. Activated into a dangerous state, they can be 200 times as harmful. Super-Ayhanized water capsules these toxins and makes them ineffectual so that they can no longer damage the cells. Even if the heavy metals remain in the organism for some time they will no longer be dangerous. In one of our tests, for example, the reading of heavy metal content dropped from 5,2 to 0,2!

There are lots of medicines that have been developed to remove pain, for instance. And that's exactly what they do, but the body suffers anyway, pain or no pain. Some of the pain killers, however, contain impure substances. Chemical medicines can also kill all the bacteria, both the good and the bad. Radiotherapy too, can be problematic. Although I respect this kind of treatment I consider it another method. As is the case with chemical and medical treatments, chemotherapeutic treatment too, inflicts new sufferings on the body. But when we destroy viruses and produce useful proteins from fats with water, we do not stress the body in any way. Research baced on a lot of data we believe it is a good solution with no harmful side effects.

Clear ( TM ) Alpha ( TM) Empowerment ( TM )

Breaker ( TM ) Balance ( TM ) Life Essence ( TM ) Mother Water ( TM ) Water of Life ( TM )

WWWW, telphone 1-877-890-7709 research and testing 1-941-320-0002

Generally speaking, herbal treatments are also beneficial. More and more people rely on herbs, which is a good thing. In countries where there are no dangerous gases or pollutants, herbs often suffice, but they are not enough, if there are dangerous industrial and household wastes or hormonal remnants and the like in the environment. Herbs are more sensitive than the human body and may only account for one fifth of the treatment. They are not able to split hydrocarbon into nutrients, and that is why we need Ayterion Agua perfect science Clear ( TM ) to clean the blood.

That is the difference between herbs and Ayterion Agua Perfect Science . It is a good thing that people use herbs, but they are not enough if one lives, for example, in Istanbul, New York or some other heavily polluted area.

In Istanbul people have to go as far as 70 or 80 kilometres from the city to be able to breathe fresh air. The same thing happens more and more often all over the world. In 1857 when oil was introduced as a fuel, it was used only in America and Europe. Nowadays it is used everywhere - 6,000,000,000 people use it! How much pollution it will cause, nobody knows. We will soon be suffocated by it. When there is not enough oxygen in the air we can still breathe but will gradually be suffocated because of the lack of this substance which is of vital importance for our bodily functions. We are indeed going in that direction. You need our complete system which has been proven with lots of data . Ayterion transform the air we breathe which we proven in the
envirorment in Turkey and all over the world . With Science and real science . Data proof !

We work and have clean up many sites. We have spa and wellness center set up all over . For more
information contact us telphone Perfect Science 1-877-890-7709

I have heard that they are spreading some new substance from the aeroplanes to clean the air in New York

We have developed that system with lot of data research on it. When, for example, the city is covered by an air pack and when we spread out our "formula" on top of it, it decomposes the hydrocarbons into free gases that drop down to earth like snow flakes. This former pollutant can then be used as a fertilizer.

Do any of the governments cooperate with you in this matter?

Yes in Turkey we started with Iski in 1992 . When Iski had a stike we were allowed by work with
many company in many beta tests site all over Turkey. Mr Andrew Nixon Pan_Thor along with Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk at Habitat 11. The United states did not attend . they choice not to address the real issues. Poison and Pollution ! There policy is not to address real issues
they mite be sued. So they did not come to Habitat 11 The road to Istanbul

In the US , Perfect Science has worked with the deapartment of energy , on many clinical solution. We provide our system in for many years to work with new and real science approach to wellness and balance .

WE don't believe that this should be the first measure to undertake. Naturally, it would be nice if Perfect Science formula could have an immediate effect on everything, but I still believe that the first thing to do is to clean the waters. Transforming with science proof by transforming toxic poison into bio-nutrients . Today !

We really believe that when we have first cleaned the waters on our planet the water will then clean our environment. By using cleansers and detergents made from Ayterion Agua formula more and more extensively, the water will be cleaned through the same channels through which it was polluted in the first place. A Royal Flush transform into bio-nutrients fish food . Proven with
real science living in a real world . A new way of looking at the body.
We at Perfect Science Ayterion look at the body as a Eco- system approach and how this relates
to the Planet . It Is About The Planet !


We can only advise people all over the world and tell them to be active in their own sectors. When we cling to the basic principles, we will increase the understanding both of technology and of our minds. We try to help the others to see the right way.It is about the planet with that in our mind first . Perfect Science Royal Flush address systemic anathomy of our planet . Emphasizes and using our alive formula with conscience ayterion agua diagrammatic representation of larger parts on the planet our earth it soil transforming all toxic waste in to bio-nutrients. What a Perfect Science ! Copyrights T, Welch 1989-2007 Perfect Science AD

We have informed many governments, telling them about the existing possibilities and the available applications. But it often happens that even if they see the applications they expect me to introduce them to a university. American have establish a Perfect Science school in the US, and even in Europe I have met many professors who are waiting for Perfect Science to start a school.

It is true that we have to go to school again and learn new things.

The adults are not worried but the new generation is. They feel that they have hardly any hope left. When looking at a river, for example, you can say to your child, "Look at that river. I used to swim in it." The child wonders why he can't do the same thing any more. You could also tell your child, "I used to be able to drink this water" but now you have to tell him not to put his foot in it.

We cannot wait for ten years and see these children grow up, because that will be far too late.

The bulk of research work is now done and we have also proved that what we claimed is true. But I am not a businessman. One has to be either a businessman or a scientist, or either a scientist or just a teacher. In any case I'm happy that we have the applications to clean the water** and the earth**, and human blood too, of course. We also know how to put out difficult fires.

You also work with plants. Can you make plants grow better in cold surroundings, for example?

The water formulas for plants contain a quality that prevents plants from freezing. Our factory is located in a region that may have snow at winter time. When scientists from all over the world came to visit the factory they were wondering how it was possible that there was grass growing near the factory. Thanks to our water, which protects the plant inside as well as outside, this miracle was possible. After the snow has melted, the plants may push up at double speed. As a matter of fact, we have been able to prove that we can have four harvests in Turkey, one in each season. And when we eat that crop, their seeds for example, our ability to tolerate cold also increases. That is true. The scientists also admired the sunflowers, which I had cultivated with the help of water and without using any hormones at all.

How often should the water be used to gain protection against cold?

It is needed only once during the season of growth. The water affects the molecule structure of the plant. Scientists consider this completely incredible.

We could lengthen the season of growth in the Nordic countries.

Indeed, we could, in Finland and Russia, for instance. Some Russian scientists visited me in Turkey because they had several problems concerning oil refining and radioactivity, for example. They also told me about the problems they had in Uzbekistan. Lake Aral is situated in that region. There used to be a river, but now it is a salty desert. I then started to treat the soil with Perfect Science products. Some of the land was completely useless. It was winter and there was snow on the ground when I visited the place. We started with 1,000 square kilometres, and as it turned out, we could make the grass grow again. The Russians were really amazed. However, an earth quake in Turkey interrupted the project, because our manufacturing plant was damaged and we could no longer produce Super Ayhanized water. We had no insurance on the manufacturing plant, and I had no support from anyone. We were left to our own devices. In spite of all this, I tried to help them and the Turkish government. The earth quake started large fires in Turkish oil refineries. I had immediately three helicopters at my disposal and we put out the burning refineries with the products that were stored in our damaged plant. I lost four engineers, excellent colleagues of mine, in the earth quake. There was a lot of sorrow, but afterwards I began to think of how to move on. I had to start everything from the beginning again. There was no factory, nothing.

In Finland the winter is long and it is the general practice to salt the freezing roads. This has been going on for quite a long time now, and the salt is absorbed into groundwater, which has spoiled some of the drinking water. The government has compensated for the damages by drilling new wells in place of the spoilt ones.

Would Ayterion Perfect Science be a solution to this problem?

We have products that penetrate hundreds of meters deep into the ground encapsulating the salts and protecting the water.

Is there a liquid that could be used instead of the road salt?

We have an Anti-ice product. If they used this product they wouldn't have the problem. I can't force people, but we can clean their water and give them the product to prevent freezing. It is up to them. Countries, however, have their official agreements for importing these salts, so the problem is not quite that simple. Governments have their own ways of action, offers are taken from different competing manufacturers etc, but since Perfect Science has no competitors, this becomes a problem. They should make a precedent decision stating that they will not use road salts any more but will start using safer substances. We are, however, the only company in this field so far, and that is the reason why it is difficult for them to reconcile our principles with their ways of action. It is our problem as well, we cannot compete with any one. The system should be changed. I repeat once more that we can most certainly clean the polluted groundwater as well as the water in the wells, in which case new wells would be unnecessary. Furthermore, we can give them the necessary product to prevent freezing. The problems can be solved, if there is willingness to do it.


Governments control the citizens' problems too. There are a few practices that should be changed. The United Nations is trying to produce some new rules in 2000.

These rules would recommend the governments not to use certain products. Consequently, the governments should cancel the selling of many damaging products. They should not allow the production, import and export of toxic products.

But introducing new ways of action is never easy.

We cannot force. We can only hope that people would understand new things and new technologies and start testing them or using them, if not hundred per cent, the maybe fifty per cent. The other fifty per cent would still be old technology. They have nothing to lose. The government organs have two offices, one for the protectors and the other for the salters. These offices then dispute with each other but the result is zero. When we offer them a new alternative they say they have to draw up new rules because our product is water. Then they arrange some tests and demonstrations and tell us they have to find the right way to proceed. And this is where everything stops. Nobody has the courage to sign anything. There are so many fears.

We have spoken with many government representatives and offered them solutions to different kinds of problems. And this is what is happening in several places. What I try to do is to open the way for new understanding, new mentality and new scientific approaches. They have nothing to lose, they experiment, and when they see the result, they are convinced.

It is much more difficult to make people act in a preventive way than to make them just act. When the situation reaches the urgent crisis point, there is no more time to wait.

That's right. In a crisis Perfect Science is called immediately. Then they say, "OK, thank you very much." After that they start proceeding towards another crisis. This is very sad. It is true that they ask me how much money I want, and of course, they are willing to pay for the help. I assure them that I am not doing this for money. Invest in the new technology and start your own production! They agree but don't still understand. Soon everything is just as it used to be and the new technology is forgotten. But when the situation becomes urgent again, they call me. I ask them whether they already have the new system that we had suggested before. Do they already have the agreements? Some governments have made improvements but generally the answer is, "We'll pay you this time, and then we'll start the system." "I don't want money", I say, "but you need a new system. This technology has not been developed only for crises, the next one may be really serious. It might happen that you won't be able to find me next time, I may not be available each time, but if you manufacture your own products, you will be ready at any moment."

How many governments have you cooperated with?

We are collaborating with many governments at the moment, for different reasons. Some have water problems, others large fires; some have soil problems, others difficulties with radioactivity. Each government has its own problems, but most of the requests have to do with urgent "face to face" situations.

What about the UN?

To my great sorrow, I have to say that the UN is a beautiful organization but they do hardly anything. They just can't, which is very sad. Perfect Science visit the UN from time to time. They draw up resolutions, and hope and wait. My objective is to act through governments so that they would be able to spread the information to their own citizens. The governments are, however, bound by many principles, which control millions, hundreds of millions of people. When they exclude certain matters, these matters really remain out of the reach of millions of people. What is closed is closed.

Business life causes a lot of pollution, which the governments are often responsible for. If someone could make the business world see how to save plain money or to collect savings instead of expenses, that would arouse the interest of many quarters. If, for example, the president of the republic resorted to his authority and said, "... it saves both money and us from many future problems...", that would certainly interest the decision makers in business life.

This is a very important factor. Using the technology developed by Perfect Science saves enormous sums of money. Some are not able to use their polluted water, and others the land they own. Perfect Science technology, however, is a very good bargain, which can save a lot of money. We can save their waters and their land.

Perfect Science technology could create jobs for millions of people right away. When the soil is restored and improved, there would be fewer famines. If the waters were cleaned, the areas that have long been useless could be re-cultivated.

Many countries are at war with each other. Why? Because of water and land. They are not able to use the dry land and the polluted water. The reasons for wars will be abolished when we show them the green solutions and applications. And we do not only restore the environment but also give them new land, new water, everything new.

During the last year and a half we have had the feeling that we are progressing towards positive solutions.

But now, this year, several governments have been willing to understand many new ideas. There have been questions about nature, which has already started to react worldwide. Nature does not forgive anything, and the governments have every reason to be worried.
Go With God
In A Perfect Science

Thank you.

** Please note that the Environmental system is custom made . We must review the data and creator with that data in mind . tel-phone 1-877-890-7709

Home environmental cleaning products are still available.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to diagnose or recommend medical treatment of any kind for any one. Please consult with your doctor for approval before using these products as part of treatment of any disease or condition.

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© 1987-2007 Perfect Science AD Inc, Ayterion Agua Inc , T. Welch , Nancy Welch , A.Doyuk Welch All rights reserved.

Perfect Science,Perfect Waters,Turkish Water,AIDS,lupus,MS,Aqua-Chi,BEFE,cancer, cancer cure,natural health,alternative health, alternative medicine,Sacred Water,Elton Pigg, Aquatron,Full Circle Technologies,Ayterion Agua,fibromyalgia,chronic fatigue, heavy metal, heavy metal poisoning, mercury, aluminum, alzheimers, parkinsons, ozone therapy, ozone machine, medical grade ozone,natural health, elton pigg, ise, qxci, colds, natural cold remedy, flu remedy,natural healing.

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P.O. Box 162 New Lenox, IL 60450 877-890-7709

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Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products: "Perfect Science,ayterion agua,ionized water,turkish water,perfect,science,alternative medicine,natural health

Bringing You the Perfect Science/Ayterion Agua™
Line of Bio-Health and Environmental Products

Ayterion Agua Perfect Science Water Formulas

* Reduce toxicity in the body and aids in the healing process.
* Help in tissue cleansing and digestion.
* Acts as an anti-oxidant to slow the aging process and removes stress from the body helping to detoxify the skin.
* Bring balance to your body and mind.
* Strengthen the immune system.

The Ayterion Aqua™ Perfect Science system considers the cleansing of the human body, as well as the local and global environment in which we live, to be essential in the realization of the new world of free energy.

Perfect Science products are made with the proprietary formula and ingredients called Ayterion Aqua ™ (named after the creators Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk) and mixed only with the best spring water. We consider these formulas to be the best aligned to the Planet and living beings. This consideration is also supported by the pool of data obtained by the Aquatron device by which patients are tested for the different medicaments available.

It is only modern science that recognized the reality as the web of self-consistent interactions"


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Perfect Waters - Offering Ayterion Agua/Perfect Science Products